Year: 2024

Multiplication Algorithm

L.I: To calculate the sum of whole numbers using algorithms.

L.I: Carry numbers to the next column if needed.

I made a DLO about what is multiplication algorithms and how to do it. Multiplication algorithm doing  multiplication steps by steps. You just split the top number then times the other number. Then you will get the answer.

I find this activity cool. Because it had been a long time not making  a DLO about this.

How to do Short Division


I made a DLO about what is short division algorithm is and how to do it. Short division algorithm is a short short way of writing division. It is the same way of doing long division. The only thing about long division is putting the steps under the number.But short division is putting the numbers in the same line.

I find this activity cool, because I learnt how to use short division.

The Howick Historical village

L.I: To make a collage about the Howick Historical Village.

We went to The Howick Historical Village, to explore the how life would be in the 1800s. We were separated into 3 groups.We got to make butter first, we made it how it would be made in 1800s. They used a wooden paddle to stir the cream so the cream would turn into butter and milk. Next we went to the houses to see 18 century furniture. We saw beds, toys, books, plates, fireplaces, bikes and we even went upstairs to see the place where children’s sleep. Lastly we made a wooden trolley. It is used as a toy. But only for boys in the olden days to play with it, Lastly I made a DLO about The Howick Historical village of what we did.

I found this activity is cool. Because I learned some new things and I had lots of fun.

The 4 different food group

LI: Using your new knowledge and your smart searching skills.

On Tuesday we  had a one day trip to the AUT Millennium and we ate a yummy wrap. We also got a plate, bag and T – shirt. We need to eat vegetables, dairy, grains and protein, because it keeps our body healthy.

We make a DLO about food portion sides and why you need them. vegetables give us vitamin A, dairy have vitamin D, calcium, and a lot of protein. Protein helps you muscle and your bones and grains give you nutrients and vitamins B. Calcium strengthens and maintains strong bones.

I find this activity is cool, because I learned something new about it.

How to be safe in the water

LI: To create a poster or animation showing water safety

On Tuesday we have a one day trip to the AUT Millennium doing swimming, rock climbing and athetics.

We made a DLO about how to be safe in the water and how to wear a life jacket. Wearing a life jacket could be more safe in the water. Because it can help you float and it can make you feel safe. Wearing 2 woollen clothing inside a swimsuit could help you keep more warm.

I find the activity is cool, because I learned lots of new things at AUT Millennium.

What is a compund sentence and what is a simple sentence

For this task we learned what is a compound sentence and what is a simple sentence.

A compound sentence is two sentences locked together. For example: the bug is running and the spider is chasing. A simple sentence needs a noun and a verb. For example The monkey is eating a banana.

We need to get into a group of 2 to make a DLO about what is a compound sentence and what is a simple sentence. We also need to put pictures to show the example.

I find this activity is cool, because I have not done this for a long time.


Designs on Matariki Star

Designs on Matariki stars.

For the task we use the sketching pencil to draw the ideas of our own Matariki star. We draw the stars that we want to have by using shapes. We also wrote a story of what it means. We drew it again on Google Draw and we coloured it.

When we completed our star we put it on the slide show to vote for the stars that we liked the most to choose for the big one.

I find this activity is cool, because I like drawing.


Sentence Structure

For this task we play a game that is about simple sentences, compound sentences , complex sentences, we have to try to get $1000000 to win the game.Eg:  What is the sentence structure of this sentence: The dog was eating.The answer : simple sentences.Eg:  What is the sentence structure of this sentence: I saw a bug running, but it was eaten by a spider later.Answer : compound sentences.Eg : What is the sentence structure of this sentence: I got a cake, because it is my birthday.The answer : complex sentences.

 I find this activity cool, because I learned something new.


Life jackets

We read a book in a group about life jackets from different centuries.

The story: In 1854, Captain John Ward invented a life jacket using small pieces of cork sewn together. but it is way too hard. So in 1918 Orpheus Newman invented a Kapok life jacket. Because it is made of Kapok, it’s going to get wet and heavy if it stays in the sea for a long time. So during the 1920s Peter Markus invented a life jacket that filled up with air. In 1960 people used synthetic foam to make life jackets. It is better than others.

We answered questions about life jackets.

I found this activity cool, because I learned different things about life jackets.