Category: Hanga | Create


This week I learned what is Reorganisation mean.

First we need to team up,I was team up with brooke.We need to answer some Reorganisation questions,the questions was Todd’s Gift,Bitten,Collection, Dangerous Beauty, The View,and the Bunch of Flowers.

Then we need do the Individual work, to me the Individual work was little bit tricky because I’m not sure about some of the answers.

At the end I good at Reorganisation,but I need to improve on Individual work.I enjoy Reorganisation because it was easy.

Te Reo Maori

This week we learned some New Zealand place word in maori.

First we learned some New Zealand places in maori words. We need to find out which place is it.For example Otepoti in english is South Dunedin and South Dunedin is in the waka which means at the bottom place of New Zealand. Then we sit on the floor learned  some direction and some food in Maori,For examplet salt in Maori is tote.

At the end I think I should know some food in Maori.

American Football

This week we practised American Football.

First we played Octupus for a warm up,It was very fun.

Then we played Piggy of three group this game means one person it well be piggy and it need at the middle, The second person need to throw the let the third person to catch.If the piggy catched the throw the ball person well be piggy.

At the we play class piggy it mans the whole class need to make a big Circle and choose two people to be piggy it was funny and I love it.

Whale Tail drawing

Last week we practise how to draw shading.

First we need use a piece of paper and a pencil,Using the pencil to make dark to light,

Then we practise drawing a shape and try to draw like a 3D.

At the end we draw our own one on the paper.

This is my Whale Tail.

Measuring Capacity

This week I learned how to measure Capacity of a container.

First Mr Wong let us know how to measure Capacity and tell us we need need water,container and a measuring cup.

Next we need a container to put water in it.After put water in it we in container water in a measuring cup. The water must to be at the at top of the measuring line.if the cap has water left and  you need to remember or write down the number and you need to pour out water of measuring cup then you can left water in it.

Lastly we got 300 and 60 so the answer is 360 ml.I need to practise Capacity because the Capacity is very useful.

Ki O Rahi Step

Today Ls1 learned how to stepping race.

Frist Mis white show us how to do stepping race.

Then Mis white test us doing the stepping race.

At the ending we doing the octopus.I very enjoy because I learned stepping race and the octopus so fun.


Polite Emails

Last week I learned Polite Emails.

First Mr wong show us about greeting example like Hello,good moring or  ……..

Then we need to write about Polite Emails,

At the end I very enjoyed.Because I learned what is Polite Emails.


Audiences are groups of people who receive information. They are three types of audience. They are individual, group, and everyone.

An individual audience is communicating with a single person.

A group audience is communicating with a small number of people.

The last group means everyone in the world.

Different apps communicate with different audiences.