Information Report about Swamp Tigers

LI: To write an information report that informs the reader about the Swamp Tiger.

We used our smart searching skills to find facts about the Bengal Swamp Tiger. Once we had found the information we needed we made notes in our own words. We used these notes to help us write our information reports. Information reports give readers with information on a chosen topic by providing them with facts.


Swamp Tigers are animals that are really hard to find which makes them very mysterious. Their scientific name is Panthera Tigris Tigris and they lived in the islands of India and Bangladesh. Did you know that in different countries the Swamp Tigers have different names.

Swamp tigers have an orange body with black stripes and a white belly. They have pointed teeths, long whiskers and strong paws. An adult Swamp Tiger could weigh up to 420 pounds.

Swamp Tigers are carnivores. ( which means they only ate meat ). They eat Wild boars , crabs, fish, rats, frogs, Chital (deer), otters , turtles , Fishing cats , wild pigs and even Humenbeings! Their behavior makes them protective over their territory which makes them big predators over their land.  

Swamp tigers mostly live in Mangrove Forest (A place in India and Bangladesh) and Sunderban. They like to live in a warm and wet place. Some swamp tigers left their trances around Myanmar, China, Bhutan and Nepal. Do you think that these creatures only live in Sunderban?

Did you know swamp tigers are unsocial animals? Many of them live alone and some of them live in a small group. They are also excellent swimmers and a good hunter at night.

Because people keep taking the habitat from the swamp tiger. Now they have become an endangered species. Do you think that people should stop taking the land from swamp tigers ?

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